Collaborative Frameworks Inc.
...helping to strengthen education world-wide.

CFI's mission is to strengthen education systems for equitable access of children and adults to quality basic education. CFI seeks to support development programmes in their efforts to realize education components of the Millenneum Development Goals for 2015 through organizational development, teacher training, curriculum, and impact assessment of programmes. More...


CFI embraces collaboration as a central theme. We strive to take a ground-up approach to policy and strategies for strengthening education systems. Frameworks for institutional development are supported through extensive conversations at all levels - identifying contextual need, and applying diffusion theory principles to maximize sustainability of innovation and change. More...


CFI President and founder, John Henly, draws on his educational consulting practice in over fifteen countries in Africa, The Middle East, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Pacific to provide expertise in policy, organizational development, human resource development, programme planning and evaluation. More...

Collaborative Frameworks Inc
British Columbia, Canada